I am so excited to tell you guys that, due to the hard work of our awesome staff and the loyalty of YOU BEAUTIFUL CLIENTS, we have officially moved into an office!
We’re now located in Mineola instead of Baldwin, but FEAR NOT! This changes absolutely nothing with anybody’s scheduling. We’re still going to continue providing excellent cleaning services near and far.
Since moving into our office, we’ve learned a lot of pretty awesome things, like:
- There’s a deli right next door that serves delicious breakfast sandwiches
- We’re right near the Meadowbrook Parkway, which is so convenient for travel
- Our boss has a great taste in office decor (keep scrolling for more pictures)
- We have a really cute office pup; his name is Eli and we love him!
At almost eight years into this business, getting this office is a huge milestone for Bella Cleaning. We’re all really proud of our efforts and we want to extend to you a very warm and sincere thank you, because without you guys, none of this would be possible.
And so, without further ado, I present to you, our beautiful Bella Cleaning office!
And, lastly, we want to thank our lovely client, Rachel from Merrick, for the beautiful flowers she gave us as an “office-warming” gift!
That’s all for today, folks! As always, be sure to contact us today if you’d like to schedule a cleaning for your home or office (and let’s not forget that it’s never too early to start preparing for the holidays with a nice, deep cleaning). Also, stay tuned for next week’s blog post, because I’ll be chatting with you guys a bit about our Air BnB cleaning services!
With love, always,
Your friendly-neighborhood cleaning lady,