“Keep that same energy” is a phrase coined in order to remind ourselves that when the going is good, keep the good going! So, Let’s talk about energy. Would you agree there is a certain “energy” when entering a home or office? Some spaces feel happy, stimulated, bright and airy! Others may feel heavy, confusing, and dark. You may be asking yourself, what is the energy of my home?
At Bella Cleaning, we believe that the home is a heart, and we treat it as such! Just like a heart, a home has a beat, a vibration, an energy which can help to conserve and restore our emotional and physical health (or drain it). Knowing this to be true, we take our roles in your home pretty seriously!
So, we ask you to reflect on your vibes..
Now add the holiday season and new years resolutions..
*Stress ensues*
*Butt clenches*
*Accounts deplete*
*Family arrives*
This Holiday season and New Year, the Bella’s seek to improve the “vibe” and “flow” of your home by utilizing our cleaning expertise and positive can-do approach!
Hiring a cleaning service means trusting an unbiased eye (we know, scary). Sometimes, we meet clients who have convinced themselves they don’t need help.. But, hear us out; a clean home is never about whether or not you have the ability to get it done. A clean home simply is, or isn’t!
Good energy in your home comes down to delegating, conserving, and re-assigning necessary tasks! Maintaining our living spaces is about compartmentalizing, cleaning consistently and frequently, and accepting that our world is exponentially more demanding! If you have one (or 50) things on your mind this holiday, it’s totally normal.. And we can help with that.
So, we ask you to reflect on your methods..
And stalk us on Facebook..
*Joy ensues*
*Numbers are dialed*
*Smiles are shared*
*New year is bright*
A footnote for all you skeptics.
Maybe the New Year is just TOO busy, and asking for help is out of the question. Alright, we get it. Super-moms, dads, roommates, and singles, we compiled this little list of affordable and time friendly “energy improvement” tips for you..
Remember your accomplishments, your teammates, your strides this year and especially, to “keep that same energy” in 2019! DIY-ers, we salute you!
- Replace your kitchen sponge, do it now! Bacteria of all shapes and sizes are growing in our kitchen sponges as we speak. Old energy, be gone! We suggest changing your kitchen sponge at least once a month.
- Hide a shiny new sponge in your shower, and use post loofa! During your shower, take the wet sponge and scrub out corners and linings of the tub or shower. Wipe away any shampoo or soap that has collected on the walls. Rinse by moving the shower head or using a cup, and absorb water with the soft side to avoid hard water build up. Your shower will stay in tip-top shape, no chemicals needed, and it only takes about 2-3 minutes!
- Pick one day a week to dust your floor moldings and window sills with an extendable swiffer duster. Keep your schedule flexible for a day with nice weather, and use this time to soak in the sun! We can really appreciate natural light elements in our home by opening all the blinds! It takes about 20-30 minutes max, and you’ll feel refreshed, we promise!
- Dampen a household rag and wipe down any wood or leather surfaces. Fine layers of dust become problematic over time! The difference in air quality and shine is instant!
- Put a festive tablecloth on your busiest table (with minimal decorations). Consider hanging any decorations you want to display on walls or shelves. You’ll want to be able to remove your tablecloth and shake out the holiday mess! 1,2,3! Easy after dinner clean up.
- Keep a DRY toilet brush (avoid toilet brush holders that collect water) on hand to give your toilet bowl a quick scrub at the end of every week. If you’re dedicated, no cleaning products will be necessary! Sanitize at your discretion.